What Technology I Use as a Teacherpreneur: My Kajabi and Successful Ads Club Experience (and Review)

teaching experience Mar 06, 2023
Typically, my blog posts are written with educators in mind, educators who are in the classroom and looking for ways to be better teachers. This blog post is going to be a little different. 
Yes, this post is still for educators, but it is for educators who have an online presence. If you are new to your digital platform or are seasoned and looking for something new or to expand, I hope my two experiences below will give you some insight into how you can improve your educator presence. 
Let’s start with a website platform. 


Website- Kajabi


When I initially created my website (way back in 2019), I knew that I wanted to blog and I needed things to be easy to use because I wasn’t about to pay anyone to help me.  I needed to be able to do everything related to the website myself.  I had heard ads for Wix on podcasts and knowing that many of my peers were using WordPress and were not that satisfied (with many of them paying other people to make changes to their website), I thought I would give Wix a try.  


I was happy with the services I got from Wix for a few years, but after expanding my resources to include a digital professional development course through Kajabi, I was paying two different website fees (Wix and Kajabi) and this is not a smart financial decision for any business.  
So a few weeks after I had my daughter in the summer of 2022, I reached out to someone to help me completely move my blog and website from Wix to Kajabi.  
No, I do NOT recommend changing website platforms so soon after welcoming a baby. Moving the website over was FAR more work than I realized, and at the time of this posting, I am STILL finding things that need to be edited and fixed (yes, 8 months later). 
My words of wisdom- If you have the opportunity and clarity to think long-term about what you want from a digital platform (just a blog, just a website, both, selling resources, a podcast, a video channel, a digital course, or something else), get that figured out first and then choose your provider based on that goal. 
Now, let’s cover why I’m happy with Kajabi!  


I use Kajabi for my email service provider (email marketing), my website, my blog, my professional development platform, and my teacher membership (community).   If I wanted to branch out into consulting/coaching or podcasting, I could do that with Kajabi.  Everything is housed out of that one website provider, which is impressive!  


Because Kajabi offers so much, I often have 2 to 3 Kajabi tabs open at a time in Google Chrome.  I simply have to and that’s a good thing in my book.  I have my email list open, my community membership open, and my website open all at the same time.  With everything under one roof, I’m able to get things done so quickly and time is money, ya know! 


  • So many features in 1 platform (email, community, digital course, blog, website, podcast, etc)
  • Streamlines processes for me (i.e. saves me time)
  • Collects payments via Stripe and Paypal
  • Quick and effective Help/Customer Service
  • Many ways to customize
  • I never have to hire specialists when I want to make updates or changes to anything on my blog/website/community/digital course. I have the ability and access to do it myself (which saves me money and time)
Interested in using Kajabi?  Click HERE to join!

Now…let’s move on to advertising…

Marketing- Successful Ads Club 


Now, I create resources to support special education teachers because I am one.  I know what I need and I know what educators like me are looking for to support our families and students.  


I created a professional development and a membership to address gaps in the field.  


Unfortunately, I didn’t go to school to learn about marketing or how to write copy (text to attract buyers) or advertising.  I am also not naturally blessed at being ‘salesy.’  In fact, I didn’t want to be salesy with fellow educators, I just wanted to attract the right educators who were looking for the solutions that I offered.  


I was directed to Successful Ads Club through a business coach.  The business coach didn’t feel I was a good fit for their services, rather they felt I needed to find my ‘ideal client’ through better copywriting.  To be clear, they didn’t want me as a paying client, they instead wanted me to spend my money to attract the right special education teachers. If that isn’t the epitome of business women supporting business women, then I don’t know what is!
Successful Ads Club (SAC) helped me to think in new and different ways.  They don’t specialize in the education or teacher world and I believe that made all the difference.  Through their guidance I was able to find the words to better articulate the type of educator who would be best supported through my resources, my professional development, and my membership.  


I joined the SAC monthly membership and was connected with one of their copywriters.  We worked 1:1 via Zoom to find the right words to explain what I had created and who was most appropriate for what I offered.  This was VERY important to me because I never want to attract an educator who buys something they don’t need or that doesn’t best serve their students and families.  I’m not here to waste anyone’s time or money.  I wanted my copy (text) to be clear and effective for just the right educator.  


I believe that I learned valuable copywriting skills through the Successful Ads Club membership.  These new skills both increased my confidence in my writing and helped me get in front of the educators who want (and need) my resources!  That’s a win-win! 


If you are interested in Successful Ads Club, I would definitely recommend their services as a teacherpreneur!  
  • Reasonable monthly membership fee
  • 1:1 support
  • Focus on you (as the customer) learning copywriting skills rather than just providing an end result
  • Quick responses via email and their private Facebook group
  • Their copywriters are not former educators who are teaching you a system that just happens to work for them, they are professional writers who know copywriting
Interested in using Successful Ads Club?  Click HERE to join! 


While I have highlighted two programs I use as a teacherpreneur, there are others that I have used that I would not recommend.  I’ll remain professional and not share those programs.  With that said, please know that I am sharing my experiences with the programs that have genuinely  helped me as a novice teacherprenuer.  


 *This website contains affiliate links.  While they don’t increase or decrease the cost of the product for you, they do provide me with a ‘finders fee’ for sharing my positive experience with others. So, if you choose to pursue one of these options because of my feedback, please be so kind as to use the links in this website when purchasing!

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