Facebook Groups to Join as a Special Education Transition Teacher

special education teachers teacher experience transition Sep 29, 2021
I’m newer to Facebook. I mean, I had a profile when I was in college because back then it was limited to only college students. Since graduating college I let that part of my social media life go and focused on Instagram, mainly because I’m a visual learner and that spoke to my learning preferences more than Facebook.
Since rejoining the most popular social media platform, I started dipping my toe in Facebook Groups. I joined a few to learn the ropes, then joined a few other private groups that were intended for special education teachers who teach life skills, including transition.
One of the pillars of my ‘A Love for Special Learning’ business, you could say, is to support other educators in similar roles as mine because more often than not teachers in a transition or life skills role are the only one of their kind in the building or district. I wanted to share my experience and expertise with those who were looking for it and Facebook Groups has given me the platform to share ideas and suggestions with fellow special education teachers.
While I am a relative newbie to the game, I have been happy to see that everyone comments in helpful and encouraging ways. This allows people to feel comfortable opening up and asking questions without fear of getting a rude or curt response.
If you are new to teaching transition or life skills at the high school level and have questions or want feedback on ideas, then check out these Facebook groups.

Special Education Transition Teachers Community

Yes, I moderate this group. A group specifically for transition teachers didn’t exist and so I took the bull by the horn and got it started. Since special education life skill teachers of juniors and seniors are key players in helping students get into transition, I opened the gates to them and transition coordinators.
  • I hold weekly Facebook Live sessions on a variety of topics specific to transition and special education.
  • You can ask questions of the group and know that you are asking a more narrow scope of teachers who can give quality transition-focused feedback.
  • You can answer questions. If you have walked the transition-teacher walk, then you know. Share your knowledge, experience, and expertise.

VocEd/Lifeskills Collaboration and Sharing

This is a fairly large group, with over 10,000 members at the time of this post. Fellow educators post questions, resources, and share knowledge very freely. The background of the special education teachers spans elementary through transition.
  • The ‘Topics’ tab is nicely organized. If you are new be sure to check out the list of hashtags to find answers to questions you may have that others have asked in the past.
  • Self-promotion Sunday lets you share your resources without being blocked.
  • Questions get answered quickly! Many posts have 5+ Replies within hours of posting.

Transition/Life/Vocational Skills Group

This group also has many members, around 5,000 at the time of this post. This group was created in 2017 and is the oldest group of the three in this list. You are good company with thousands of special education teachers in a variety of niches.
  • Learn about resources and sales on resources as discounts, deals, or hashtags that are shared by creators.
  • With transition in the name, you will likely have access to other transition teachers of suggestions and ideas.
  • The ‘Files’ tab has several documents to review, which may be helpful for newer members.
What other Facebook Groups do you find value in as a special education transition teacher? Comment below!

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